Wednesday 29 March 2017

Earth Science: Heading Its Wonders

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Earth Science, as we all know, is dealing with the physical constitution of the earth and its atmosphere. Then why is it important to learn? Simply because we are curious about what will happen next if this particular thing happened or what will cause this to become possible. Those earth related questions and thoughts can be answered by learning about earth science. For example, there was an earthquake and you did not know its cause. Upon learning about earth science, you listed the possible causes of an earthquake and its intensity. Knowing that, you realized that there was a volcanic eruption nearby and it was reported in TV. 

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Pacific Ring of Fire

"Earth Science is the all-time favorite branch of Science I ever wanted to learn. It started way back when I got interested on this subject matter. Up until now, I wanted to study more about the whole Earth itself, its complexities, its deeper secrets, and much more amazing and interesting our home planet has to offer. Not like the other branch of Science such as the hardcore chemistry or the advanced mechanisms of physics, Earth science was the thing I got interested in it simply because I like to study the structures, characteristics, and some hidden mysteries of our blue planet that was gifted to us. Through the history of Earth, the formation of the continents, the inner layers, the rocks, earthquakes, and many more, I simply can't get enough to learn everything in it. Basically, we talk about geology in this branch, where everything in Earth is studied. We start off to learn about what's inside the planet, which is the layers of the earth, and the history of Pangaea on how a one massive super continent broke down into different continents we know now. We also get to learn about Alfred Wegener and his ideas about the said plate movements, and also the forces that makes the plates move. In another chapter, I learned about the different plate boundaries. Another is a tour on the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is the home to many earthquakes and volcanic activities. These topics will really get you interested about knowing Planet Earth more. Not only 4th quarter offers these kind of topics, but also with regards to our thesis that was made by my group with my fellow members. They were the ones who have gone through the rough roads to reach to the point where everything is good. Thankfully, I am happy that we have accomplished a difficult task with the great support of my members 😀 None of this would happen if they were not there. This 4th quarter has been my delightful days, which I know everyone would be too. With this matter, I will look forward to the upcoming next years of school life. I thank my Science teacher Sir Romeo Dolor, who stick to our side for the whole year in helping us through thick and thin. This all served as an inspiration to me not just on this matter, but to the upcoming activities to come." ~ PIMENTEL, Stephen Kyle

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Pangaea was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozolic and early Mesozoic eras. It assembled from earlier continental units approximately 335 million years ago, and it began to break apart about 175 million years ago. In contrast to the present Earth and its distribution of continental mass, much of Pangaea was in the southern hemisphere and surrounded by a superocean, Panthalassa. Pangaea was the most recent supercontinent to have existed and the first to be reconstructed by geologists.

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"Sad to say, this is the last lesson of our 10th grade in science but I can conclude that this topic is very interesting and was made fun because of activities. This lesson, Earth Science, is made possible by our science teacher, Mr. Dolor. We are very thankful to him for being with us in this chapter of our life and gave us courage in order to start another chapter in life. Before this blog become life lessons, I am going back. So earth science, it is everything we can learn in order to be prepared and not to panic during unexpected events. We learned a lot regarding this topic. Like, what is inside earth, its properties, and why did it exist were answered again, thanks to our science adviser. To end this, there is only one thing I would like to say, although this lesson is basic, I find this very hard and challenging". ~ GARCIA, Marichelle 

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After Earthquake
"Earth Science, is one of my favorite topic in Science. This quarter, Earth Science was discussed in a more complex way. There were more type of movements that i least expected. I learned a lot about earthquakes and how to prevent the risky things that might happen during an earthquake. I also learned more about the scientist and their uncanny theories that made me curious about Earth and whats on its beneath. I also had a lot of fun listening to Sr. Dolor telling us about the past events of volcanic eruptions and how it made history. In all This quarter made me more knowledgeable about the earth geography. And I'm looking forward to learn more about it." 
~ SALAZAR, Mary Angela

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Alfred Wegener
Alfred Lothar Wegener (1 November 1880 – November 1930) was a German polar researcher, geophysicist and meteorologist. During his lifetime he was primarily known for his achievements in meteorology and as a pioneer of polar research, but today he is most remembered as the originator of the theory of continental drift by hypothesizing in 1912 that the continents are slowly drifting around the Earth (Kontinentalverschiebung). His hypothesis was controversial and not widely accepted until the 1950s, when numerous discoveries such as palaeomagnetism provided strong support for continental drift, and thereby a substantial basis for today's model of plate tectonics. Wegener was involved in several expeditions to Greenlandto study polar air circulation before the existence of the jet stream was accepted. Expedition participants made many meteorological observations and achieved the first-ever overwintering on the inland Greenland ice sheet as well as the first-ever boring of ice cores on a moving Arctic glacier.

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"Yes this is the last thing were gonna do as s group of our investigatory project. Well its nice to be in our group and our leader Stephen done a great job and also us in the group. This year is memorable at me. All the hard work and sweat that we have when we do the experiments. I would like to thank our subject advisers who help us and my group mates. Its nice to have a group like this. This year is memorable. Till next time we meet and promote our product." ~ TERAN, Alfonso

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Earth Layers
The Earth consists of four concentric layers: inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. The crust is made up of tectonic plates, which are in constant motion. It is also where we stop our foot as a human being. Crust also causes events like earthquakes due to fault or crack by the plates. Without crust, human would be of no existence on Earth since that mantle is  predominantly solid but in geological time it behaves as a very viscous fluid.

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"Finally, the last chapter for this school year. After all the difficult lessons and fun experience during science class we are about to come to and end. It was a great time though. Id like to thank my science teacher for having patience towards us and for being there too. Also my classmates, thanks for the memorable fun moments guys. Till next time!" ~ GONZALEZ, Juan Miguel

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SCIENCE IS AWESOME! It has been a great experience for us to have a teacher so considerate and very thorough in teaching science even if it is complex. We thank him for all the efforts and sacrifices he has given us although we temperance are very noisy and sometimes does not participate in class. We have to close the book for 10th grade science and open another book of science in the 11th grade.

Saturday 21 January 2017



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Image result for chemistry gifHave you ever thought or tried experimenting out of curiosity? If yes, then you can definitely relate to this topic, chemistry. As a general fact, chemistry is the study of matter and it includes experimenting as well. So what is chemistry? Chemistry is a branch of physical science that studies the composition, structure, properties, and change of matter. Since you started learning science, it is certainly connected to chemistry up until you graduate and start working. Since we are in the 10th grade, we learn more about chemistry, all the topics and lessons we have nourished will be mentioned by our group members.


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"All I knew about Chemistry is that it is really complex. Why? It is because of the lessons involved in it that will make it harder to understand, compared to previous ones. For example, the one about chemicals and equations. You will study about the basics, and then the complex ones like chemical equations, or the structures of a compound, the bonds of each atoms and others. Chemistry also has also a little confusing terms in it, and perhaps there are many of them too just like in biology. Although it is really complex and complicated, I try to understand at least a little about it. But of course, there is fun in it as well. There are things such as creating a poem about chemistry, which what i did was a little bit of cheesy though, by that I mean it's about "love" thing but it's chemistry related right? And we also had this jingle, where I really enjoyed making the lyrics of it and singing that. Things get difficult when we go along, but still we need to fight it. So basically, chemistry is complex, just like what other students might think of, but there is enjoyment in it as well. I really learned a lot of it, especially from our Science teacher, Sir Romeo Dolor. Thank you so much sir! 🙂 And hopefully you guys will enjoy this kind of topic even if it seems that it's complicated."
~ Pimentel, Stephen Kyle

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LESSONS #1: Boyle's Law

What makes it hard to study chemistry? One of the factors that makes chemistry pretty complex are formulas. Throughout this 3rd quarter of school in science, we learned about laws with formulas. One of those laws is Robert Boyle's Law. Boyle's law describes the inverse relationship between the pressure and volume of a fixed amount of gas at a constant temperature.

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"Chemistry, chemistry, whenever students hear this word, they'll probably think this is a nightmare simply because it is complex, a hard topic for those who are not interested. For me, chemistry isn't that hard. I'm not boasting but as what I've observed, chemistry is all about memorizing. And what makes it not that heavy? It's because memorizing is the lowest form of learning and chemistry is all about memorizing and being interested with the topic. Would you listen and learn if you are not interested? You'll probably be forced to. Back to the topic. On the first few days of 3rd quarter, chemistry is elaborately discussed with much difficulties because students wont catch up. Lessons and topics like Charles's Law, matter, elements, and more are further tackled by our science moderator, Mr. Romeo Dolor, who is a really big help and we are all grateful to him for his patience and goodness. Most of all, we had fun activities regarding chemistry. We made jingle, poems, and more. Indeed, chemistry really makes one to do hard work. Well, I believe what I believe as long as nothing is changed."
~ Garcia, Marichelle 

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Usually, teachers are stressed in teaching students especially to those who are not interested in learning their subject. Students make teachers really have a hard time so that is why our moderators lose their temper easily. Science is a special subject. It includes other subjects like Math and English mostly. Science teachers always have a hard time. Let us all bow to our own teacher and thank them for being patient and leading us to success.

LESSON #2: Periodic Table - How was it developed?
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The periodic table is an arrangement of the chemical elements, organized on the basis of their atomic number, electron configurations, and recurring chemical properties. Elements are presented in order of increasing atomic number. The standard form of the table consists of a grid of elements, with rows called periods and columns called groups. The history of the periodic table reflects over a century of growth in the understanding of chemical properties. The most important event in its history occurred in 1869, when the table was published by Dmitri Mendeleev, who built upon earlier discoveries by scientists such as Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier and John Newlands, but who is nevertheless generally given sole credit for its development.
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"Wow science just keeps getting harder and harder each quarter. Even though the difficult task here and there, the activities are fun like poetry and science jingles! Great stuff!"

~ Gonzalez, Juan Miguel

LESSON #3: Chemical Reaction
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It is a process that involves rearrangement of the molecular or ionic structure of a substance, as opposed to a change in physical form or a nuclear reaction. The most common example of chemical reaction is rust. 

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"Before, all i know is that science is just about knowing the living and non living existence and how they function in that way. But now science is more focused on how chemicals react, this quarter is one of the hardest, solving and knowing their units can be difficult. Chemistry is truly the science of composition, is complex but fun."
~ Salazar, Mary Angela

Lesson #4: Mass
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Mass is not the same as weight, even though we often calculate an object's mass by measuring its weight with a spring scale, rather than comparing it directly with known masses. An object on the Moon would weigh less than it does on Earth because of the lower gravity, but it would still have the same mass. This is because weight is a force, while mass is the property that (along with gravity) determines the strength of this force.

"Chemistry can be anything around us. This chapter can be a mind blow to me because there are some lessons that I didn't get to understand that much. We made various activities such as poem making, infographics, and jingle. Sir also explained to us how to answer all the equations, from different gas laws to balancing chemical equations. All I can say to chemistry is that it is everything."
~ Teran, Alfonso

Chemistry Poems

In school, students are often assigned to do projects such as poems, jingles, reporting, and more. In this quarter, everyone is tasked to do a poem about Chemistry. Laid down below are the poems of Temperance Brainers! Enjoy their creativeness in making of this kind of poem, from simple yet inspiring works to a little bit of cheesiness mixed into it! 

The first poem is made by our own group leader, Stephen Kyle E. Pimentel. His poem is obviously about chemistry and love. Why? Maybe because of the saying that there should be chemistry in love. As you read the poem, there might be terms you possibly find hard to understand. Here are the possible terms:

Proteins - They are the large biomolecules that consist of amino acids and perform different functions in the body such as movement, regulation, and others.

Copper - It is a soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity.

Tellurium - It is a brittle, mildly toxic, rare, silver-white metalloid.

Beryllium - It is used to make cellphones, missiles, and air crafts.

Chemical Reaction - It is a process in which atoms of the same or different elements rearrange themselves to form a new substance.

The second poem is composed by our assistant leader, Marichelle O. Garcia.

Chemistry is complex in nature
Memorizing terms is like a torture
But the significant thing is the adventure
Discovering terms we can nurture

From matter to solving equation
Acid, energy, and concentration
Wearying and simple information
That chemistry nourish with conclusion

Brain is cured by science's ability
Feeding our ignorant mind's curiosity
Compound terms we acquire completely
Can effect to digesting knowledge from chemistry

The next poem is composed by Mary Angela D. Salazar. She shares about what she have learned in Chemistry and her knowledge about it.

The science of composition
Studying matters of interaction
More about the elements
To make a lot of experiments

Protons, neutrons, electrons
Rearrangement and bonding of atoms
Mixtures and solutions
A lot of chemical reactions

Making a new discovery
Fun out of Chemistry
Study about it
And learn from it

CHEMIS-TRY by Juan Miguel D. Gonzalez 


Wednesday 19 October 2016

Exploring Biology

The members of Temperance Brainers have some opinions to share regarding Biology, especially when it comes to the topic Genetics.

What I learn from Genetics is that it is quite complex. We get to study the structure of DNA, the inheritance of traits, and a lot more. I would say that this is an interesting topic to learn because you get to understand the concepts of the DNA and chromosomes and also its major functions in the body. There is also a brief history about it through experiments of scientists like the blender experiment of Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase. I also learned about the genetic mutations and disorders, and even inheritance of traits - through our parents or previous generations. I also get to learn about genetic manipulations which is very interesting because with technology, anything is possible. Overall, it's a fun experience even if it is complex as it would be.

I have learned from this lesson, the Genetics, that we all have traits that may be dominant or recessive. This chapter is really important to know and we should have a knowledge because we all have this. Also, in this chapter, I knew the history of genetics. The traits we have can come from parents or grandparents that we may inherit. I also knew some experiments and studies made by the scientists who are involved with the study of genetics like using blender. I always hear about DNA but didn't know the definition. But now because of this topic, I knew what it meant. Thanks to our Science teacher, Mr. Romeo Dolor for giving us an opportunity to report about this and gain some knowledge.

Genetics give a lot of help in educating is about ourselves and our history. DNA gives us an idea of how people are linked together and of why we have that or why we have those. It gives us a clear perception of why we have similar traits that our parents and that we also have. Not only does it pass that looks but sadly, it also passes illnesses that may trigger as you age. But all of them are part of being who you are. A part where you are something that completes your family.

Science isn't my favorite subject but our topic right now, genetics, is pretty interesting for me, basically because of the fun facts and stories I recently learned. Other than being fun and interesting, I still find it slightly hard and complicating for me. I hope and I know I will try to understand more about genetics this coming week.

DNA can make a good experiment. You can invent a new life or can make a change by perfecting your work in DNA but there are also experiments in DNA that are not working because of the wrong calculations. Then some are just release in public for money or to help the other people. You can change the world by your or our idea or work in the DNA but you have to use it in a good way not where you can do bad things. DNA can be a change to a man's life but it should be a good thing. You can be a change to people's lives.

Thursday 18 August 2016

There's Something About Physics

The members of the Temperance Brainers have some thoughts to share during their 1st Quarter experience with Physics as their main topic.

My first quarter experience on our Science was full of mixed feelings such as happiness and confusion. Our beloved Science teacher, Mr. Romeo Dolor, gave his best to help us in understanding the concepts of such topics. In those, one was about the Electromagnetic Spectrum, which covers the types of waves and computation for frequency and energy. Another topic discussed is all about light. I heard that light pollution is a thing. At first thought, I thought that it was impossible because we don't hear such cases like that, but I saw the adverse effects of LED lights into the world. Although it saves a lot of energy and is cheaper, it is much brighter and could lead to something harmful to the environment and to people like I do, who tends to use gadgets often such as cellphone and computer that emits radiation and could affect my eyesight. Few days ago, we took a Mid-Quarter Exam that scopes the 2 lessons mentioned, and one thing I had difficulty was the difference between concave lens and convex lens. I must have had interchanged their characteristics, and as my lesson, I will review again and understand it better. But despite all of that, the Science field in general is a fun and interesting subject to learn. 


My experience during our first quarter in Science became a blast because we had a great teacher. Even though I had difficulties in solving some of the scientific problems with their solution, it was still worth it because it taught me a very important lesson which is "listening to the teacher'. We also had the topic "Light Pollution" which was very new to me, but really changed the way I look at things because as a gadget user, I know that it is bad for my poor eyesight. I also didn't thought that radiation would also cause bad effects to our body.

During the first quarter, we learned about Electromagnetic Spectrum, Light Pollution, and more. We had a hard discussion yet it is interesting and you will learn a lot especially with the help of our Science Moderator, Mr. Romeo Dolor. There are some difficulties we encountered but those aren't that much complicated. Those difficulties are basic things that you find hard but easy to learn actually. Science is a subject to emphasize the very and most specific things that you can see around you and some of those are from the topics we have studied. I had a lot of fun with learning Science because I find it very interesting. It is very important for you to know and to be aware of things around you and events that may happen/occur any moment.

I learn a lot about Science. New topics and new activities. This 1st quarter is fun, and maybe also the following quarters. Sometimes our teacher is too hard to us but I know that it is the best for us so that's why he do that to us. I salute our Science teacher for a wonderful teaching to us and hoping that there are more to come.

I had a sort of difficult time understanding Physics. Same thing with memorizing the formulae for the AGONSA. For terms and meaning of words are getting better to familiarize me. Lastly, I learned that I have really to do my best and not be lazy during the IP and help as much as possible. That's all for now in my experience in Science 10.