Thursday 18 August 2016

There's Something About Physics

The members of the Temperance Brainers have some thoughts to share during their 1st Quarter experience with Physics as their main topic.

My first quarter experience on our Science was full of mixed feelings such as happiness and confusion. Our beloved Science teacher, Mr. Romeo Dolor, gave his best to help us in understanding the concepts of such topics. In those, one was about the Electromagnetic Spectrum, which covers the types of waves and computation for frequency and energy. Another topic discussed is all about light. I heard that light pollution is a thing. At first thought, I thought that it was impossible because we don't hear such cases like that, but I saw the adverse effects of LED lights into the world. Although it saves a lot of energy and is cheaper, it is much brighter and could lead to something harmful to the environment and to people like I do, who tends to use gadgets often such as cellphone and computer that emits radiation and could affect my eyesight. Few days ago, we took a Mid-Quarter Exam that scopes the 2 lessons mentioned, and one thing I had difficulty was the difference between concave lens and convex lens. I must have had interchanged their characteristics, and as my lesson, I will review again and understand it better. But despite all of that, the Science field in general is a fun and interesting subject to learn. 


My experience during our first quarter in Science became a blast because we had a great teacher. Even though I had difficulties in solving some of the scientific problems with their solution, it was still worth it because it taught me a very important lesson which is "listening to the teacher'. We also had the topic "Light Pollution" which was very new to me, but really changed the way I look at things because as a gadget user, I know that it is bad for my poor eyesight. I also didn't thought that radiation would also cause bad effects to our body.

During the first quarter, we learned about Electromagnetic Spectrum, Light Pollution, and more. We had a hard discussion yet it is interesting and you will learn a lot especially with the help of our Science Moderator, Mr. Romeo Dolor. There are some difficulties we encountered but those aren't that much complicated. Those difficulties are basic things that you find hard but easy to learn actually. Science is a subject to emphasize the very and most specific things that you can see around you and some of those are from the topics we have studied. I had a lot of fun with learning Science because I find it very interesting. It is very important for you to know and to be aware of things around you and events that may happen/occur any moment.

I learn a lot about Science. New topics and new activities. This 1st quarter is fun, and maybe also the following quarters. Sometimes our teacher is too hard to us but I know that it is the best for us so that's why he do that to us. I salute our Science teacher for a wonderful teaching to us and hoping that there are more to come.

I had a sort of difficult time understanding Physics. Same thing with memorizing the formulae for the AGONSA. For terms and meaning of words are getting better to familiarize me. Lastly, I learned that I have really to do my best and not be lazy during the IP and help as much as possible. That's all for now in my experience in Science 10.

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